The project has been subdivided into the following phases, which will be carried out by the Consultant:
- PHASE 1: Report on analyses of the compliance of the conceptual design/preliminary solutions with the respective legal framework
- PHASE 2: Study on optimisation of the alignment, connections of the road to the existing network, and adjusting the road network colliding with the read
- PHASE 3: Technical study
- PHASE 4: Traffic study
- PHASE 5: Pre-feasibility study
- PHASE 6: Detailed geodetic survey
- PHASE 7: Geophysical and geotechnical investigations and surveys
- PHASE 8: Preparation of the preliminary design for the most favourable route selected in the updated PF Study
- PHASE 9: Environment impact assessment
- PHASE 10: Waste management plan
- PHASE 11: Feasibility study
- PHASE 12: Road safety audit report
- PHASE 13: Public consultations
- PHASE 14: Compilation of preliminary design technical documentation
- PHASE 15: Preparation of main design
- PHASE 16: Land Acquisition and Resettlement Framework (LARF)
- PHASE 17: Offprints of obtaining zoning approvals and building permits
- PHASE 18: Revision of main design
- PHASE 19: Specific requirements
- PHASE 20: Preparation of the tender dossier for betterment interventions on this road section, based on the outputs of this assignment