About the Project

Project title: Design and studies for betterment of road on SEETO Route 2b, section Sarajevo – Foča (Brod na Drini), Bosnia and Herzegovina

Beneficiary country: Bosnia and Herzegovina

Project funding: EU IPA

Contracting Authority: Delegation of European Union to Bosnia and Herzegovina

The Project Beneficiaries are: P.C. Roads of FBiH LLC and P.C. Roads of Republika Srpska

Project timing: March 2020 – March 2022

Beneficiaries’ Coordinator: Ministry of Communications and Transport of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Contractor: EPTISA Servicios de Ingenieria S.L. in Consortium with IPSA Institut

The overall objective of the project is to assist in improving economic and social development in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) through improvement of the transport infrastructure in line with the Connectivity Core Network (TEN-T) and SEETO Comprehensive Transport Network, and through creation of a functioning infrastructure regulatory framework for all transport sub-sectors.

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The specific objective of the assignment is to provide Preliminary Design, Studies, Main Design, as well as tender dossier for betterment of the section Sarajevo-Foča (Brod na Drini).  This road, part of SEETO Route 2b, goes in one part through the FBiH and in other, longer part, through the RS. The indicative length of the road on which different interventions (rehabilitation/reconstruction/construction) will be performed is 71 km.

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As per the ToR, the expected mandatory results to be achieved by the Consultant shall be:

  • the review of compliance of the Conceptual Design with the relevant legislation and spatial plans of the RS and FBiH,
  • the optimization of the alignment laid down in phase of the Conceptual Design, including introduction of connections to the adjacent roads, and relocation of colliding road sections,
  • the preparation of the Preliminary Design for betterment, based on the optimized Conceptual Design,
  • the preparation of extract of documents for obtaining of the Urban-Technical Conditions, and ultimately the Urban Permit for the betterment interventions,
  • the preparation of the Feasibility Study,
  • the preparation of Environmental Impact Assessment,
  • the preparation of the Road Safety Audit report,
  • the preparation of the Main Design for construction of betterment interventions, including interchanges, connections to the adjacent roads, and relocation of colliding road sections,
  • the review of the Main Design by the consulting company authorised for the review under the Laws of RS and FBiH, respectively, and
  • the preparation of the Tender Dossier for the betterment interventions along the alignment, including intersections and relocation of colliding road sections (road deviations), in accordance to the EBRD procurement procedures (EBRD’s PPR dated on November 2017, or the most recent ones, as applicable).

Project Goals


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